Early Childhood Providers

Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the Department of Early Childhood is slated to fund at least 15 hours of high-quality, voluntary preschool for every Colorado child in their year before entering kindergarten. This Universal Preschool Program (UPK) allows families to choose the right setting for their child, whether it is in a licensed community-based, school-based or home-based preschool setting.

We know that many families will require more than 15 hours of care, and there will be a number of ways to access additional hours. Some children will qualify for additional state-funded hours based on the risk factors to-be-developed by the Department of Early Childhood. Information on the risk factors and additional hours of care will be published as it becomes available. Many of these children will also qualify for Colorado’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Head Start, and other funding sources that can be stacked on top of UPK hours to meet the needs of families.

The Department will work towards creating a single, unified application for all of these services. In coordination with their preschool providers, families are also welcome to provide a co-pay for additional hours as needed. High quality preschool programs are known to aid in a child’s development and to have social, academic, and economic benefits that are carried with that child throughout their life. The launch of this program, as a result of the voter-approved Proposition EE, builds on Colorado’s long-standing commitment to children and families and helps ensure that they are valued, healthy and thriving. Providers are a critical partner to ensuring that the Universal preschool program (UPK) runs smoothly and successfully. Our role is to support you and provide everything you need to participate in the UPK program.

Provider Important Information

Guides to help you get started if you are interested in becoming a Universal Preschool Provider

Adams County Preschool Program
  • UPK Colorado allows you to view slot availability and services in real time
  • It is one system for all business needs and an easy connection to families
  • Offers upfront rate payment at start of year and payments are made quarterly
  • You will receive support from LCOs and a coordinated community effort to streamline pre-k access
  • It is a mixed delivery system that supports a variety of settings and program features to best meet the needs of children and families
Universal Preschool

Where can I get more information?

If you need assistance, please contact us at 720-677-6157 or email us at upk@adcoconnect.org.

Visit the new website for the Colorado Department of Early Childhood and stay connected by receiving the CDEC monthly newsletter. Sign up to receive it.

Visit the CDEC website to learn about the Rules making process and stay informed. This 15-member Rules Making Council (RAC) will advise the CDEC Executive Director on the development of rules to guide the functions, programs and services that the new Department will oversee.

If you would like to be notified when draft rules are open for public comment, please sign up for email updates.